Transformation and recalibration.
The whole process is pretty miraculous- to change form, in nature and appearance.
Changing both physically and vibrationally.
Changing at soul level is pointless if you don’t give your physical body time to embody the transformation. To hold the shift on a cellular level. As well as emotional, mental and soul level.
As we release attachments, identities and old ways of being, our body too needs time to clear these things from our system. Be compassionate and in awe as your physical body adapts to assist you. If you sit. Give yourself time and space to take on the change.. the higher frequency can’t be held by the body.
Just because you’re not doing anything doesn’t mean your body isn’t. Give yourself the time to make the transformations happen.
We are being called to soften in order to strengthen, drop roots deep in order to rise high. Give yourself the rest and recuperation necessary for the transformation process to happen in full. Re-root and rewire.
Butterfly: after it has eaten and grown all that it can the caterpillar creates a cocoon and appears to be resting.. but nothing is further from the truth. Inside it is rapidly changing. During this resting phase it is most productive. Changing organs, limbs, tissues the whole deal. Interrupt this too soon and the butterfly would be completely unformed but wait in faith for just a moment and in between breaths something new and breathtaking will be born. We must change our belief that to be productive we need to be busy. To allow the wisdom of our bodies to do what they do best. Believe that the universe and all of life is supporting our constant transformation. Life is weaving regardless of what we are doing. When we get in the way and try to micromanage the universe we mess up the flow of life.
All of Nature has an intelligence that knows exactly what to do and you are part of nature. So you do too. Are you honoring your bodies call to allow transformation to happen? #risesisterrise#rebeccacampbell