Jealousy, fear, envy, desire, inadequacy, resentment… these are all things that used to come up for me when I would see a woman that I found beautiful. Not just physically beautiful but mentally, emotionally, spiritually, whatever their uniqueness is that made them standout to me. It would draw me in and then my ego would create these crazy stories to try and diminish or take that away from them. Sometimes these women were friends and mentors.

Other times I wouldnt know this woman at all. A sad attempt to maybe lift myself up and create more separation in my life? How on earth does that serve me?🤷🏼‍♀️ But now that i’ve called out my own shit. I’ve started changing this cycle. Instead of making assumptions, I’ve decided to start asking questions and hearing their stories. If you find someone or something about someone beautiful, TELL THEM! Make their day, spread the love. In doing so you open up an opportunity for knowledge, empowerment and inspiration for both parties. She can learn from you too.

By lifting another woman up you raise her vibration and your own! There is only one rule. During the process, don’t you dare forget how beautiful and full of magic you are babe. She is simply your reflection shining back at you.

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